True Cat Toons
True Cat Toons
WELCOME to True Cat Toons! This is the place where humans have the opportunity to learn just how remarkable these little furry beings truly are--and share their stories with the world. I believe we still have much to learn about cats--they may even be learning something about us as we share our homes with each other. There’s a lot going on behind those bright eyes!
Some background...
I have rarely been catless during my adult life. I have shared households with Sara, Pumpkin, Emily, Cupcake, Sunshine, Cokie, Muffy, Johnnie, Pushkin and now Purrrzac, (photo above) to name a few. I tried my best to be a conscientious cat servant, but increasingly I began to have the unsettling feeling that I was in the presence of bright, aware little consciousnesses who were trying to communicate with me the best they could, given our limitations--and I was pretty clueless. After decades, I think I finally learned to listen, observe and pay attention, and in the last twenty years or so I think I have at last made some progress. Since my form of artistic expression was mostly writing and drawing comics, it was not long before I was reporting some of my feline “breakthroughs.”
Well, the NEW BOOK, for starters!
See all the details to the right!
And YES, I am still collecting your True Cat Stories to turn into comics! I want to have another volume faster than it took to get this one! Details HERE...
So, what else is new...
The strip above is a small part of a longer story, “Bye-Bye Muffy” from 1999, which earned me an Eisner nomination (the major comics industry award) for “Best Short Story”-- What a pleasant surprise that was, for my simple story about a cat!
I only wanted my remarkable kitty, whom I had earlier dismissed as boring and not very bright, to be remembered for all her fine qualities, but the story itself became a tragedy as I went into her health issues at length and wrote of her demise. But when we welcome a kitty (or dog or any other animal) into our lives, we know deep down the day will likely come when we will also have to say “goodbye.” It is a gentle reminder for all our relationships, and for life itself, and we all have our own ways to come to terms with it. But in the meantime, we have so much GOOD to enjoy, to love, to share and to grow with. And above all, to learn... For myself it is about the magic and mystery of Creation itself, and all beings who journey with us.
But True Cat Toons is also about remarkable (or perhaps simply well-loved) kitties (and their loving human servants) who deserve to have their stories told, as much as my own beloved felines--all adding to knowledge of feline (and human) behavior and potential. And as my playful cats have so often taught me: Just because it is FUN--and if you want to play, DO!
Everyone with a cat has a cat tale to tell!
NEW Cat Toon!
Which is also what Pushkin did years ago, too!
Meet Roo, the latest addition to our cat family.
February, 2013
Roo is NOT an ordinary cat. Some people may say their cat is a “handful.” Roo is truly an armload. I am STILL trying to figure out how to do a story about this Border Collie in a Cat Suit! Here is a poem about how he became our cat!
Read about how Purrrzac came to visit after she passed on....
How did we get Roo? Read a poem!
NEW! (March ’14) True Cat Toons book is NOW AVAILABLE!
67 pages of true cat comics. Some are from this website but more than half are NEW ones, including 6 new pages alone about Roo! This is the Print on Demand version. At last you can read all the rest of these wonderful stories from cat lovers like yourselves!
One way would be to go to this link on Lulu. The cover price is $12.95, but you get it from Lulu at a 25% discount, ($9.71) so that is almost like getting free shipping. Pay with credit card or Paypal.
OR you can now get it from Amazon US and Amazon UK, and with a larger order, get free shipping anyhow!
You can also get them directly from me, the good old-fashioned way of sending a check or money order. It costs a little more than the above sources BUT I will autograph these and do a kitty sketch, (email me your kitty’s name and photo)! For one book:
US: $17 ppd
Canada: $20 US ppd.
Overseas: $23 US ppd.
Payable to: Roberta Gregory
PO Box 9599
Seattle WA 98109 USA
And that’s not all. They will soon be available on this website via PayPal, AND my new goal is to have a mass-printed, bookstore-friendly edition by the end of this year. Stay TOONED!
NEW for APRIL 2014!
I was interviewed about my True Cat Toons for CATSTER website. And they used my favorite photos of Roo! Plus some of my drawings of other folks‘ cats, too! LINK!