Cat Yoga for Humans: taught to me by my Very Fine Cat, Pushkin!

Cats Can Truly Teach Us

Some things I have learned from cats (and I am still learning):

BE in the moment-- BE present, at all times. And don’t forget to purr.

You have the right to be finicky about what you eat-- you can never be certain about the ingredients.

If the mood strikes you-- PLAY! The mood will not last forever.

Never forget the little rituals of life-- always greet your loved ones with a purr and head-bump!

If you truly trust someone, don’t hesitate to roll on your back and show them your belly.

If you feel like taking a nap, by all means, do it!  And have a good stretch when you wake up.

If something catches your eye, give it your full attention. Particularly a small moving object!

Be patient, especially with the things you cannot change.

I believe we owe it to our kitties (and the other animals in our lives) to learn from them and pass it on-- each adding our share to the wealth of knowledge about the many members of the Animal Kingdom; our differences and similarities and potential!

Nothing like a good snooze in front of a warm fire.


I have few photos of my dear departed Very Fine Cat, Pushkin. I did not have a digital camera in those days-- I just used those disposable cameras. However, I am so glad I got these photos (at left)! He had killed a rat and decided to show it off at my doorstep (I lived in a basement apartment)--the victim is that grey shape in the lower right of each photo. Pushkin looked as if he was posing with the rat; after I took the pictures of him, he walked slowly away, tail high. Look at how proud he appears in the right-hand picture. This is how I shall always remember him!

You have the right to feel proud of your accomplishments!